You Matter

You are loved.

We may not always feel loved, especially if we look to others for acceptance of who we are, and a reassurance that we matter. That actions of others can greatly affect us.

I believe there is a universal energy that loves each and everyone of us. It tends to get blocked by the thoughts in our heads. The way we judge others, the hate we feel towards them, or the fear that we are not good enough. We fall into the patterns of what is familiar, what we know, good or bad.

If we become aware of how these thoughts and patterns happen in us, we can understand each other better and show a greater compassion towards one another.


You are important.

You may not always feel like you belong because you are different than others, or you were not given the same opportunities as others. Life is not always kind or fair. It can be difficult to understand where we all fit into this world.

This is not a puzzle to be solved. You cannot find all the pieces and put them together and get an answer. That’s because there is no one answer. There is no right way to put it all together. I believe we are all important in our own way. By understanding each other for who we are and not how we fit together we achieve a greater unity.

It is important treat everyone with understanding, compassion, and love. We are all important, we are all one. Our love is universal, and we all matter.


You are not alone.

If you feel alone in this journey, that’s okay. Thoughts and feeling can consume our lives. We all search for our place, our identity in the lives we lead. I feel that sometimes we worry about ourselves too much we don’t focus on others enough. Sometimes just trying to understand a loved one or friend is better than trying to understand yourself.

We are all connected. I feel we all have more in common than we know. No matter how we define ourselves or how we think society defines us, acts of kindness spread gratitude. Gratitude spreads joy, and joy spreads love.


In conclusion.

These are thoughts from my journey as an adopted child trying to figure out who I am and now learning to understand my child as trans woman.

I am not a psychologist, doctor or therapist. If you are having mental issues or thoughts of suicide, please seek out a professional healthcare provider or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

Mark Beckwith

I create inspiring art for people who want kindness, peace, love and gratitude. My inclusive designs use colorful organic shapes to share a positive message.

The Advantages of Digital Prints


Creating My Doodle Marks