A Week Of Kindness

Acts of Kindness bring positive vibes to our emotional well being. Here is a week of the many different ways you can spread kindness.

Sunday. Be Kind to your Family.

Cook a meal for your family.

Monday. Be kind to your Community.

Go shopping for a neighbor.

Tuesday. Be kind to friends.

Invite a friend to do something you both enjoy.

Wednesday. Be kind to others.

Hold the door for a stranger.

Thursday. Be kind to animals.

Adopt a cat.

Friday. Be kind to the environment.

Plant a tree.

Saturday. Be kind to yourself.

Meditate and focus on your breathing.


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Mark Beckwith

I create inspiring art for people who want kindness, peace, love and gratitude. My inclusive designs use colorful organic shapes to share a positive message.


Another Week of Kindness!


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